local PartA = Instance.new("Part") PartA.Transparency = 1 PartA.CanCollide = false local bass = Instance.new("Sound",PartA) bass.SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/bass.mp3" bass.Volume = 4 bass.PlayOnRemove = true bass.TimePosition = 0.12 local PartB = Instance.new("Part") PartB.Transparency = 1 PartB.CanCollide = false local ping = Instance.new("Sound",PartB) ping.SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/electronicpingshort.wav" ping.Volume = 4 ping.PlayOnRemove = true ping.TimePosition = 0.12 local PartC = Instance.new("Part") PartC.Transparency = 1 PartC.CanCollide = false local snap = Instance.new("Sound",PartC) snap.SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/snap.mp3" snap.Volume = 2 snap.PlayOnRemove = true snap.TimePosition = 0.1 local PartD = Instance.new("Part") PartD.Transparency = 1 PartD.CanCollide = false local ping2 = Instance.new("Sound",PartD) ping2.SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/electronicpingshort.wav" ping2.Volume = 4 ping2.PlayOnRemove = true ping2.TimePosition = 0.12 PartA.Anchored = true PartB.Anchored = true PartC.Anchored = true PartD.Anchored = true local phase = script:FindFirstChild("phase") if phase == nil or phase:IsA("NumberValue") == false then phase = Instance.new("NumberValue",script) phase.Name = "phase" phase.Value = 1 end local speed = script:FindFirstChild("speed") if speed == nil or speed:IsA("NumberValue") == false then speed = Instance.new("NumberValue",script) speed.Name = "speed" speed.Value = 0.18 end local pitch2 = script:FindFirstChild("pitch") if pitch2 == nil or pitch2:IsA("NumberValue") == false then pitch2 = Instance.new("NumberValue",script) pitch2.Name = "pitch" pitch2.Value = 1 end local hold = script:FindFirstChild("hold") if hold == nil or hold:IsA("BoolValue") == false then hold = Instance.new("BoolValue",script) hold.Name = "hold" hold.Value = false end local skip = script:FindFirstChild("skip") if skip == nil or skip:IsA("BoolValue") == false then skip = Instance.new("BoolValue",script) skip.Name = "skip" skip.Value = false end function Play(sound,pitch) if not skip.Value and sound and sound:IsA("Sound") and sound.Parent and sound.Parent:IsA("BasePart") then sound.PlaybackSpeed = pitch*pitch2.Value sound.Parent.Parent = script sound.Parent.Parent = nil end end function W(num) if not skip.Value then wait(num) end end function Chatted(text) if string.lower(text) == "hold" or text == "/e hold" then hold.Value = not hold.Value elseif string.lower(text) == "skip" or text == "/e skip" then skip.Value = not skip.Value end end owner.Chatted:Connect(Chatted) wait(5) while true do skip.Value = false local current = phase.Value if phase.Value == 1 then for i = 1,4 do Play(snap,5) W(speed.Value) for i = 1,2 do Play(snap,5) W(speed.Value/2) end Play(snap,1.25) W(speed.Value) Play(snap,5) W(speed.Value) end elseif phase.Value == 2 then for i = 1,4 do Play(snap,5) Play(bass,0.75) W(speed.Value) Play(bass,0.75) for i = 1,2 do Play(snap,5) W(speed.Value/2) end Play(snap,1.25) Play(bass,0.75) W(speed.Value) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,0.75) W(speed.Value) end elseif phase.Value == 3 then for i = 1,2 do Play(snap,5) Play(bass,0.75) Play(ping,0.9) W(speed.Value) Play(bass,0.75) for i = 1,2 do Play(snap,5) Play(ping,0.9) W(speed.Value/2) end Play(snap,1.25) Play(bass,0.75) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,0.75) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,0.75) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value) Play(bass,0.75) Play(snap,5) Play(ping,1.2) W(speed.Value/2) Play(snap,5) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value/2) Play(snap,1.25) Play(bass,0.75) Play(ping,1.4) W(speed.Value) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,0.75) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value/2) Play(ping,1.2) W(speed.Value/2) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,0.75) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value) Play(bass,0.75) for i = 1,2 do Play(snap,5) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value/2) end Play(snap,1.25) Play(bass,0.75) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,0.75) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,0.75) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value) Play(bass,0.75) for i = 1,2 do Play(snap,5) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value/2) end Play(snap,1.25) Play(bass,0.75) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,0.75) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,0.8) Play(ping,0.93) W(speed.Value) Play(bass,0.8) for i = 1,2 do Play(snap,5) Play(ping,0.93) W(speed.Value/2) end Play(snap,1.25) Play(bass,0.8) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,0.8) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,0.8) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value) Play(bass,0.8) Play(snap,5) Play(ping,1.2) W(speed.Value/2) Play(snap,5) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value/2) Play(snap,1.25) Play(bass,0.8) Play(ping,1.4) W(speed.Value) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,0.8) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value/2) Play(ping,1.2) W(speed.Value/2) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,0.575) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value) Play(bass,0.575) for i = 1,2 do Play(snap,5) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value/2) end Play(snap,1.25) Play(bass,0.575) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,0.575) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,0.575) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value) Play(bass,0.575) for i = 1,2 do Play(snap,5) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value/2) end Play(snap,1.25) Play(bass,0.575) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,0.575) Play(ping,1.325) W(speed.Value) end elseif phase.Value == 4 then for b = 1,2 do for i = 1,2 do for a = 1,2 do Play(snap,1.25) Play(bass,1.4*b) Play(ping,1.2) Play(ping2,0.8*b) W(speed.Value/2) Play(bass,1.45*b) Play(ping2,0.85*b) W(speed.Value/2) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,1.4*b) Play(ping,1.2) Play(ping2,0.8*b) W(speed.Value/2) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,1.2*b) Play(ping,1.275) Play(ping2,0.7*b) W(speed.Value/2) Play(snap,2.5) Play(bass,1.4*b) Play(ping,1.2) Play(ping2,0.8*b) W(speed.Value/2) Play(bass,1.45*b) Play(ping2,0.85*b) W(speed.Value/2) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,1.4*b) Play(ping,1.075) Play(ping2,0.8*b) W(speed.Value/2) Play(bass,1.2*b) Play(ping2,0.7*b) W(speed.Value/2) end for a = 1,2 do Play(snap,1.25) Play(bass,1.5*b) Play(ping,1.325) Play(ping2,0.9*b) W(speed.Value/2) Play(bass,1.6*b) Play(ping2,0.95*b) W(speed.Value/2) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,1.5*b) Play(ping,1.325) Play(ping2,0.9*b) W(speed.Value/2) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,1.4*b) Play(ping,1.4) Play(ping2,0.8*b) W(speed.Value/2) Play(snap,2.5) Play(bass,1.5*b) Play(ping,1.325) Play(ping2,0.9*b) W(speed.Value/2) Play(bass,1.6*b) Play(ping2,0.95*b) W(speed.Value/2) Play(snap,5) Play(bass,1.5*b) Play(ping,1.2) Play(ping2,0.9*b) W(speed.Value/2) Play(bass,1.4*b) Play(ping2,0.8*b) W(speed.Value/2) end end end else phase.Value = 1 end if hold.Value then phase.Value = 1 elseif current == phase.Value then if phase.Value == 4 then phase.Value = 3 else phase.Value = phase.Value + 1 end end end